PLEASE, let us not forget the second half when raising your almighty fists in outrage of what you perceive to be a violation of your fundamental right. Ok. Just as you faith following citizens have been granted the right to practice how and where and when you see fit...So do those that do NOT practice your faith, or any for that matter, have the right not to have your doctrines and moral codes wedged into laws that they must follow or as in the case of the Health Care debate, Prevent them from services that they use.
There is the misconception that just because you are a business owner, who happens to be a practicing anything, suddenly you are permitted to let your Religious beliefs Govern your employees. Your Right to Religion Governs YOU. And I am not talking about places recognized by law as truly religious organizations...these would operate for the church, and have tax exempt status and so on. I am talking about a place such as Hercules Industries. An HVAC company, where in the President, Mr. Newland has expressed a "moral objection" to covering birth control in employee insurance. Insurance which the employee Pays for and worth noting, the employers expense is actually reimbursed through tax credits from the govt. Which I must add are paid for by business funds that the employees in part, generate in sales and manufacturing, not Mr. Newland's private, out of pocket money which means Newland does not "pay for" these services at all. Just because you run a business and are catholic does not suddenly change that business to "religious organization" and to deny coverage to employees that are NOT Catholic, well are you not denying them their "right to live according to their faith"????? Funny you want that term to apply to only those that practice yours, not to those that do not. Well then I guess you need to get out of a public business that employs people of all race color and religions and open a business that falls under the category of "religious institution" to be able to exercise that right. Other wise, welcome to operating a business in a free society buddy. You are free not to use birth control, however you can not tell your employee what to do morally.
This applies to Chik-Fil-A as well. Just because Mr.Cathy is religious, does not suddenly elevate Chik-Fi-A to church Organization status. . It is not a church, and furthermore is not "organized and operated exclusively for religious, educational, scientific, or other charitable purposes" as covered by the law that oversees Churches and true Religious Organizations.
So what if he is closed Sundays, many places are, banks are not
religious and they are closed then as well, and many of their CEO's and
Branch Mangers practice faith as well. That does not make them a "religious organization" nor may I point out so bluntly, does the health care as an employee somehow PREVENT them from going to their church and practicing their faith. A female taking a birth control pill does not mean you, Mr.Cathy have to take one. Nor does it mean you violated your own faith. And that is what the law says, you personally can not be Prohibited from practicing your faith...and you aren't nor will you be. THE END. (on the recent topic of his Free Speech liberties, He is free to talk about not supporting that Health Care requirement just as he free to tell everyone he does not support Same Sex Marriage...however, when he sends money from the company to groups that are politically motivated in changing that legislation, you no longer are just speaking your mind you are doing things to prevent or deny or be intolerant of another persons lifestyle because it differs from your own, which is the definition of bigot)
This outcry of Freedom to Practice to My Religion is becoming very one sided. Somehow there is this misconception it should only cover those that practice instead of what the law said, which sought to protect those that choose NOT to as well. Otherwise, we would ALL be Puritans. As that was the heavily practiced faith of the Pilgrims...who incidentally fled they Tyranny of Britain and their expectations of how people should bend knee. The Health Care laws already protect the places recognized as Church and Religious Organizations from complying with anything that violates that...What is popping up are business that would like to redefine that law. And that you just don't get to do.
In comparison, there are equally as many faith practicing opponents to war and the
killing in their moral eyes it promotes...they do not get to tell the
IRS they will not pay taxes because the defense budget is funded by
them. Practicing Jehovah's do not refuse to support Hospitals in their
local taxes because they perform blood transfusions. Nor as employers working in the free market do they not cover that in health insurance for employees not of the same faith system. If I worked for a
business, and my manger happened to practice Judaism....I could not be
told that I can not eat lunch if it is not Kosher...Unless I worked at
the Jewish community center, or in the Synagog. And even then if I was caught eating non-kosher they simply believe my punishment would come in the 'World to Come' as opposed to them having to impose this on me. There is a very REAL
difference between the right to worship and making others comply with your style of worship and folks seem to be trying to blend it all into one.
You should not be using your faith to further political agendas. You should not use your faith to seek legislation that would deny someone not of your affiliation their own civil liberties according to THEIRS. You live by your morals and let others live by theirs. That is why the Bill of Rights is not the Bible. Jesus was not a republican nor a democrat nor a tea partyier, so why anyone is flying him on their political flag is beyond me. He
ministered to all, weak, able, blind, seeing, rich, poor. Pagan, Hebrew,
Christian, whoever cared to join and listen - Many would do well to practice the same TOLERANCE he preached about. No strings or rules attached. He prayed for all, he died for all our sins. Is that not what your faith teaches? So you do not need to worry about the sins of others...he will. And you can just pray. Amen.