Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Tax Man and the Tax Plan

999 say some?  It will benefit all???? Or perhaps to quote the "inventor" of this slogan, "9-9-9 does not raise taxes on those that are making the least."  Really. Well the simplest of Math says Yes it does.  And I'll break it down in laymans terms.

Number 1 - You are adding in a National Tax on top of the State tax I already pay - so you are now taxed twice on all sales - Homes, Cars, grocery, clothing, movies, dinner out, Gas Gas Gas, even for the most frugal of shoppers, this money will be hard to come by as now items that were not part of sales tax will be taxed by the National 9%. Pay attention to the markets already - many suppliers and grocers will need to raise their prices to cover the increase as they also will have to pay more to Buy the Products that they will sell as well as increases in shipping costs etc , so that 2.39 loaf of bread will be more like 3.50 even 4.00 in some areas. Basically add in about 3 thousand more a year just to Spend your money. THAT RAISES TAXES ON THOSE MAKING THE LEAST 

Number 2 - On the 9% Income Tax across the board - Well, the last time I checked if you get a paycheck and a w2 that means your Income is wages which categorizes you into this of your 45 Thousand a year income, you pay tax to the tune of 9% WITH NO EXEMPTIONS, DEDUCTIONS, or CREDITS - bye bye Dependent Child, Property Tax Credit, Interest Credit for School Loans, etc etc - Also! There is no longer a credit to employers who pay a share of the wages taxes, so it will be even more expensive for them to retain or more importantly Hire new workers. Not looking good for the little guy here. Now. what about the Big guy who made 1.2 Million from his job? where he set himself up as an 'employee' not the owner and paid himself in dividends? NO TAX on Dividends remember??? Get out of Tax Free Pass. And On the Business End?  If that same business took in 7 Million in capital gains from investing the earnings of the corporation in stocks etc Cain suggests he only pays tax on the first 25% (Down from the 35% currently in place) ...until Cains plan phases OUT the Capital Gains tax in part 3 of his scheme and all that remains is the 9% National Tax. Think about that.  Collin (and the rest of those that take a paycheck) will pay taxes on his Entire Earnings while those again in the top 1% will get away with 75 percent of their earnings tax free.  And because there is no Estate Tax, if they own Millions in property as well, again they get out of Tax free while Collin will pay every year the MAXIMUM on our Property Taxes...because we own 1 house not 20  - as do most of the middle and lower class. THAT RAISES TAXES ON THOSE MAKING THE LEAST

Number Three - What is the actual "National Tax" of the 3rd phase of this plan??? Sky's the limit perhaps? Or what happens when 999 turns into 11 11 11 or 15 15 15 on a bad year....Flat tax is falling Flat. THAT RAISES TAXES ON THOSE MAKING THE LEAST

Special consideration must also be given to the REVENUE or lack there of with this plan. His notion of "widening the tax base" is making those at the very very bottom "pay their share" while those at the very top "keep their share".  A person on a Social Security Disability Income that is less than 14 Thousand a year can not survive this plan yet the CEO of some insurance company or bank who pays himself in dividends contributes NOTHING.   70 percent of the IRS's Capital Gains Revenue came from the top 1.4%...Billions of Revenue that Drive America and keep in mind it is not the 1.4 percents America it is 300 million peoples America. In the Cain plan, Gains tax is abolished and you will never be able to collect billions from the poor and impoverished to replace that...but you come after them because those are the "Americans that get by every year not paying taxes at all!"

And how do States already reeling in this recession cover the shortages from these businesses and corporations? Cain can not be bothered with sticky details, maybe he thinks "the Churches will take care of it" as he suggests for those that will be on there ear when he proposes to do away with that Social Security and Medicare problem.  Because if you pay attention and read his plan, he does not fund those programs. If he takes away the payroll tax that takes away the funding for Social Security and Medicare. Period.  He likes to regurgitate the word "Personalization" and imply that we should instead have a portion of our earnings put into personal investments the same shaky market that is UNREGULATED (and Repubs won't vote to change that) where the firm that holds your money can make record earnings on the capital gains of those accounts, and probably loose it all in some back door scheme where they can get some TARP to balance their loss and you, well when you do need to retire you are on your own.  On top of the fact that it does nothing NOTHING to address the funds needed to cover those already ON SS! Or those too close to retiring to ever benefit from Privatizing err I mean PERSONALIZING.  He suggested that he is using the Chilean Model for these proposals? Well, incidentally - he failed to actually look at what happened when Chile did that - That plan has “left millions without savings for their retirements and originally provided no safety net for the poor.” According to estimates by Chile’s undersecretary for pensions, “in 2007, only 60 percent of Chilean workers had some kind of pension coverage, down from 86 percent in the 1970s.”.  That Breaks the Back of the Working CLASS and Gives Windfalls to the Corporate Class - FAIL.

Cain just can't this will benefit anyone other than those already benefiting. Perhaps because he has never balanced a State budget let alone a National one? All he knows is corporate math - how to get the best ROIC...and that works. For your Godfather Pizza's, Not For 300 Million Americans. His response when faced with opposition was "The reason my plan is being attacked so much is the lobbyists, accountants and politicians, they don't want to throw out (the) current tax code and replace (it) with something that's simple and fair," WRONG. There ARE indeed ways to improve and repair the current tax code, but CONGRESS has not done what they are supposed to in terms of addressing it. I don't like this plan because it theory and assumption based. Every number your accountant has come up with are based solely in assumptions. I believe in the Progressive Tax Model proven in our economy - That Regressive Tax puts a larger burden on those with less means to pay hurts the middle to lower class which is 80 percent of the Tax Paying BASE. - THAT, Mr.Cain, is why I do not like your plan, That is why naysayers are saying Nay and it is not some 999 gimmick, But Congress who needs to make the hard decisions and make the changes to the tax system - that is what the 99 Percent have been demanding - to replace the current wealthfare tax free for all on the top 20 or 1 or what have you and balance it back to what was pre Bush and economically proven to produce results.

Logic and Judge Judy say "if it doesn't make sense it's usually not true" and you can take that to the bank! But not much else on the 999.

Knowledge is Power - Sir Francis Bacon

Thursday, October 13, 2011


okay so to be sure I got this straight

The GOP keep insisting that Low taxes for the wealthy and corporations brings investments and job growth, Yet after 10 Years of the LOWEST rate in history, there is none.

The Left even granted you your extension of this wealthfare in 2 Budget years (because you pulled a NO vote and threatened not to pass ANY extensions letting Unemployment and the Tax credits for the Middle class expire - Boehner's "If you couldn't keep ALL cuts then you would vote for nothing plan" of December 2010?)  And STILL it has produced no growth or investments with a stale mate for average consumers and small business lending? I am confused? You said there would be growth if the banks and corps didn't pay high taxes?

They also assert that it is Obama who is accountable for jobs, yet unanimously vote NO to the very bill that would create thousands of jobs in each of the states you are supposed to represent?  For no other reason than good ol fashioned Posturing, making sure when you try to get another 4 years in your seat your record shows you never supported any Democratic/Obama policies.

They supported Bush's 700 Billion dollar TARP which bailed out Wall Street provided they agreed to continue lending,  Yet vote against Regulations that prevent them from defrauding the consumers that they work for and holding them accountable when they fail to deliver?

They tell the people they represent "I won't vote for Obama's Stimulus"...yet fail to reveal that TWO THIRDS of what comprises the spending is MAINTAINING THE BUSH TAX CODE! Of which you won't vote to let even the top 1% be cut from the Spending?

GE was able to earn a 3.5 Million dollar Green Energy Tax Credit while also NOT paying one dime on 14 BILLION in earnings.  Is that what the GOP meant by Growth and Investment? Because GE is also adding 8000 jobs they said, over the next 18 months....I am just not sure if that will be before or after they close their Wisconsin Plant and move it to China (which they also announced) speaking of does Ron Johnson not only vote NO on Creating Jobs but has a voting record that helped GE stick it to his state - I'd love to see what they (GE) contributed to his "campaign stimulus package"?

Even less stimulating are the raw numbers. In simple terms - of 234 billion dollars of 'Tax Cuts' for 2010 alone, More than HALF was divided amongst the Top 1% - read 121 Billion dollars for 1.4 million taxpayers - leaving 113 Billion for the other 130 million tax payers - Do You get that? this THIS is what the 1:99 protestors (those that know anyways) are enraged about!!!! HALF of the RELIEF we were sold went to the very people that DO NOT NEED RELIEF, and the worst part is that by 2005 those making less than 75K already received the most they would get - remember the 350 dollar check mailings? and another 25$ or so a week in your paycheck...A Far Cry from the 85,000 in relief that someone like Koch, Dimon or G Dubbya himself gets. So basically for the last 5 years we have been been padding pockets of those in the Top while Crippling those at the bottom. And the GOP has the gal to demand you continue this? They look you in the eyes and tell you if you keep the rich, rich our economy will Grow but the numbers for the last 10 years do not lie and for the Obama haters - it was CONGRESS that continued to pass the tax breaks and Vote No when Obama tried to halt it. Smoke and Mirrors folks and those with the most 'blood' on their hands are already long gone enjoying pensions, parachutes, and life in the top 1%

Bush pitched these breaks in 2001. Under his watch that year there were 132 Million jobs. 3 years later in 2004 the economy showed a drop to 131.4 million jobs. By 2007 there were a reported 137 mil. jobs for a total growth of a whopping 4.8 percent. In stark comparison, there were 111 million jobs in 93 when Clinton Raised taxes, 6 years later his economy boasted a 16 percent GROWTH with more than 129 million jobs. In 2008 - 2010 not only did we loose jobs but Investments as well.

A House whose only consistency in voting is doing Nothing is not working. Tax cuts for Millionaires is not working.  And 14 Million Americans are not Working either. The only difference is The Republicans Not Working on that hill are still collecting a 6 figure paycheck at the same time they are voting NO to your Jobs, and campaigning to eliminate your Unemployment Benefits, Medicare, and Soc Security as "costly entitlements." while they are receiving universal free healthcare, and striving to get that congressional pension.

Moral of the story folks: A Mad Man once said "Tax relief will create new jobs, tax relief will generate new wealth, and tax relief will open new opportunities." A Wise Man once said "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

as always the views expressed in this rant are my own, comment at your own risk as their is no life guard on duty

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


You find car accident victims in or near cars and roads.
You find airplane accident victims amongst the debris of plane crashes.
You find drowning victims in or near bodies of water
....except in Florida where it is perfectly rational to 12 jurors and their alternates to find a "horrific drowning accident" victim with their mouth taped shut, wrapped in a blanket, stuffed in a laundry bag, shoved into a trash bag and thrown in the woods.  At least that is what the jury for Anthony have deduced from the evidence and their imaginations no doubt honed by CSI and Law & Order episodes, thereby giving them the sharp skills to piece together what they "feel" happened to this "dysfunctional family".  They took a sharp left at rationale and went right into storybook land to create an event where there is nothing to support it EXCEPT the rantings of a pathological liar. Every thing she says grows her nose a foot, yet somehow this is the truth? Why? Because it is easier for the jurors to understand than the fact she acted with pure emotionless disregard for her child.  Think about it.

We (spectators) have watched this unfold with our hands to our hearts and mouth in absolute disgust. "WHY?" we have asked for years.  It is impossible at times to get our minds around how you could even maybe hurt a child, let alone kill and dispose and pretend it never ever happened. Our brains have a hard time computing that a Mother could actually take the life she labored to bring into this world.  This is not the first time we have seen this, and we were equally alarmed at those tragedies as well.  In the case of Susan Smith there was a moment when the idea of "someone taking her boys" was an easier pill to swallow than thinking of the alternative.  However all good lies do come to an end and hers did as well. It all is Crazy because we are not.  That is why it hurts our heads to try to answer the Why.  My instructions to the jury would have included NOT to try to grapple with the why, because to do so would require a break from all logic and we need your thinking cap in tact as you assess this situation.

This was not a case that lacked evidence, however it was missing a mother distraught over the accidental drowning of her child and angered by the disposal of her baby by her Horrible father, thus robbing her of grieving rights ....we should have seen that. Where is the mother sitting in her back yard screaming at EMT's to help her baby?  Then at least there would have been a body to autopsy, and there would have been lungs to show us weather Caylee took her last breath before or after being you a ledge she drowned in the pool....Instead 31 days pass BEFORE Casey Anthony indicated anything was even wrong all while spinning tales of nannies and only her family - remember she was actually hanging out with friends in town??? She was even caught in the house by her "accomplice" aka George, who was under the impression she and the baby were in Tampa w/ the fake nanny - and yet she told him she was in town to get "Zannys' insurance papers"?  Why would she need to tell him that if he knew the baby was dead? Why would she need to tell him any lie actually about where she is? DID YOU 12 ACTUALLY PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS or were you more interested in a good story?  31 Days she stalled her parents for time, hiding from them at a boyfriends house and another 150 days of Wasted resources hunting for a nanny who kidnapped her baby...Her father is not who spun that tale, nor is her mother, Casey is. All her parents did was act like desperate parents - trying to not loose faith in their child while looking for hers.  Trying to hold onto hope that Casey didn't do what they feared...And yet the morally defunct Baez has the nerve to suggest that "none of the police officials wanted to see any other possibilities"?, We hear the detectives ask her, feverishly if this was an accident? Did something happen? She was not under arrest at that time, they were sitting in Universal where her first lie bubble was being busted, and the first of many more to come. Right there she Could have said, "ask my Dad"   - We hear her parents, brother and close friend break down over and over pleading with her to tell them something, her reply? She wasted her time calling them and let me talk to my boyfriend.  Susan Smith kept asking about a boyfriend at the most inappropriate time as well....when they were looking for her children. hmmm.

There is a body discarded in bags in a swamp. There is a mother who pretends for 31 days she is alive and well. And when she can't stall anymore invents a kidnapping (thankfully this time it was not the token "a black guy did it", but she still went after the Hispanic minority...or did she? I must add that coincidentally, and I use that term sarcastically, the 2 houses that back up to the woods on Suburban Dr. where Caylee lay, were in 08 owned by a woman named Zanieda Almodovar and the other by a Gonzales family - verified with Tax Records, White page listings as well as testimony from a friend of Casey...) - that coupled with the video and phone call tapes from her jail time BEFORE Caylee was recovered is better than Anthony on the stand, these were her own words rantings and tantrums before and in jail. Somehow we are to believe at the moment the silver bracelets were snapped on you wouldn't shriek "It was my molesting father, he knows!!!!"??? Instead, for MONTHS Casey insisted to BOTH her parents that Caylee was "still alive because she felt it in her heart", and that she "could be more help if she was out", and she is a victim too, and yelling at her mom for questioning her involvement...jeeeeesh, that seemed as good a time as any to tell Mom "ask Dad"?

And all I can wonder is if your father was your accomplice then why were you telling him you "told police all you knew?"  He already knew right? And we should have seen awkward glances between you and you father during those calls, the father who was letting you take the fall, You really expect me to believe you would just sit in jail leaving your accomplice free to help the "media make you look bad"??? (fails logic test) Even when the police began doubting, she maintained that story, (even telling her dad - you know, the other killer? that police were wrong and needed to check NY records) WASTING TIME! That is until the body shows up - and that is where the tall tales ended and the character assassinations began. For Baez and Anthony, victory by any means possible.  Get an alternate story that introduces sympathy - insert molestation and another body to take the punch - Hello George.

And the last ingredient to this gross injustice, 15 jurors that failed to understand that having an "unanswered question" is not the same as reasonable doubt. When I heard that Jack ASS alternate Huekler actually say that #1 - Prosecution did not Prove HOW Caylee died, but they felt instead it was a "horrific accident that was covered up by Casey and George" - my heart stopped just a little. WHERE IN GODS NAME WAS ANY EVIDENCE OF a matter of fact that little "theory" falls directly under the term speculation, imagination, and presumption which Judge Perry instructed you NOT to do if there was no evidence or testimony to support. or #2 that George being "combative" while he is cross examined by the attorney who is making a name for himself calling him a molester and child killing accomplice must have meant he was "hiding something" as opposed to just hating the guy....again remind me where that is evidence George committed a crime or as the verdict implies No crime was committed by Casey? Because George was not the guy on trial. (Please George, repay the man for his kindness with a Defamation suit PRONTO) and lastly Juror #3 who has issued a statement of "I did not say she was innocent. I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be." Well guess what Jurors, it was not the punishment phase of the trial, it was the Innocent or not, and if you didn't think she was innocent then she was....GUILTY. You were not supposed to be deciding over punishment - that would come through Perry in the NEXT phase.  But thank you Ms. Ford for confirming my fear that none of you really wanted her head in your hands. So in the end dysfunction excuses depraved indifference to human life and apparently it's not a crime to hide bodies either as long as you think it may have been accidental, what a great Jury of Peers Casey got...a bunch of lunatics just like her. 

I can only wonder that if there was a law to prevent jury members from earning any MONEY following a trial we would have had a different day in court? It is no accident they all walked past the 12 seats in the media room, that would have been free info coupled with a beating by the press - networks are up to 5 figures in their offers to get a story from them.  I cringe to think of Mason and Baez and their subsequent book jackets as well, actually I really hope Florida Law Enforcement and the FBI come after Baez for Obstruction of Justice, Anthony as well for perpetuating a Fraud. 31 days Casey. 31 Days. and further more sue their faces off to recover the thousands spent in search and recovery efforts from July until December while looking for a baby that according to Baez "was never missing".  I pray that TV and Entertainment shun her as they have already begun to do and that CIVIL proceedings haunt her the rest of her miserable days.

Matthew 10:26 - There will be nothing hidden that won’t be revealed. This will not be in vain. Justice will be served somehow for this Angel.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Swim For Your Life

....a reflection on the weeks unfolding events.  Change is inevitable. The more you resist the harder it will be to catch up.  This is certain.  Change is the spoon of life, it comes along to stir the stagnant waters especially at times when you are laying on your raft floating in oblivion...*ZING - and like that, you are treading water watching the flotation device drift further and further away.  You look around, as if to ask what? where? why?  with no guarantee that you will ever answer any of those and no idea how you'll get out of the water...

I don't know if you will either.  I am constantly swimming against the tide of my own ocean of life and you expect me to know how you'll fare?  How about this, as good or as bad as you choose to. That is what my infinite wisdom has shown me thus far. I think you get handed loads in life based on your willingness to step up and take it.  If you happen to be one of those for whom the 'load' seems unfairly balanced, seems to never end? To you I say, well done!!! For the universe would not waste energy giving to those that can not handle it.  Do not envy the guy that seems to never have a thing go wrong - it simply means they could not cope if it did.  Instead I urge you as you feverishly swim for your life to give thanks, for there is another anomaly to this scenario...I have almost always found that those who carry these heavy loads need only look to the right or left and find they have also been blessed with the strongest of shoulders to help.  If and only If they will share it.

Back to my original sentiment, "as good or as bad as you choose to" And I mean that.  If you choose to bear your crosses alone, than you will.  If you choose to let it overcome you, it will. If you choose to do nothing, then that is what you will get.  And likewise, should you choose to lean on and accept the help of others, then lighter the load will get. If you choose to attack head on, then you can over come. And as long as you are in action you will have momentum.  You can not swim out of the water if you do not move your legs and arms friend.

As this day gives way to all that has yet to be, I know that I am ready. For what? No Clue, But you can bet your bottom dollar that when strife and struggle rears it's head (and it will) I'll be ready with an army of shoulders beside me. And should it be a false alarm then I will raise my glass with them instead in celebration and live to fight another day <3

Friday, June 24, 2011

Hostage Crisis in America

We the People are in peril here folks.  Being held hostage to games in the land of Politics.  Those big execs and corporations that fronted lotso lotso money for their favorite cronies to head to DC are playing hardball with your gramma and grampas that did not wear white collars to work and retire at 48, many of them actually are still working and they are 75. The game is a budget and the ante on the table? Revenue...and what the definition of that is. This is not a right left issue, this is a make sense issue.  Income Tax is revenue, to argue that the top earning dollars are somehow more exempt than the guy who bust his ass for 50 thousand a year is INFUCKINGSANE okay BONER...err Boehner. And thank you for showing your true colors and lack of ability to compromise GOP, as you marched out of talks to address the budget because If the tax Breaks Go You wont negotiate? EXCUSE ME, but someone tell me how that is any different than taking your ball and going home because you can't be first up - So here we go again, just like in December when your party threatened to let the UNEMPLOYMENT EXTENSION run OUT! As Well as the tax breaks for the middle to lower class, IF OBAMA and the Left Did not leave in place the Breaks for the top bracket, You won't move on and resolve anything until you get your Way,  NOT A ONE OF YOU CAN ANSWER WHY IT IS INCONCEIVABLE TO TAKE THAT RATE BACK TO THE LEVEL IT WAS PRE BUSH ...why?

reason #1
the tax breaks that the top 20% earners and Corporations are enjoying right now were Bush breaks meant to STIMULATE the economy...remember!!!!  Why didn't they? Where is all the growth and investment from his Budget Fix? Instead we landed in a recession and Corporations, Banks, OIL and the Elite took RECORD earnings for the entire 8yr run and then bailed and retired (most) before the real shit hit the fan, and When you forced the Obama admin to keep them in place for 3 more years they STILL have not produced anything but a drastic shortage in revenue because of the umpteen ways they can shelter or not even report - that's right, if you have an estate worth 10 million, Bush said you only need pay on the FIRST 5 Mil never mind the rest mmmk...While those who's estate consists of just the house they owe on are fighting to keep it.

REVENUE IS what drives the machine, and again I will say it till I am blue - the tax breaks BUSH gave were sold to us on the same argument being used today - IF you let the Corps and the Wealthy have their $#$$ they in turn invest and open or grow their businesses....WELL they haven't, and the answer is because they need to make certain under Obama that the tax cuts will stay and that the GOP will demolish any type of Health Care Reform before it takes effect in 2014 - so they are sitting back waiting"  HEAR that folks....THEY HAVE BEEN SITTING FOR 3 YEARS DOING NOTHING PAYING NOTHING...WHY?

because of reason #2 make the Financial Report card of the Obama Administration show ZERO GROWTH and ZERO Investment. As well as stopping any Health Care Reform plans. Just remember you heard that here first folks because it is the Right gears up to try to out the Black Socialist Commy Muslim Death Judge, they will all no doubt keep referring your eyes to the lack of numbers in those 2 arenas...and at first glance you could say hmmmm, except then you are supposed to recall that BUSH also gave the wall street banks TARP to save their asses and to keep them lending to small business and consumer credit.....FAIL, they did however pay back some TARP, Reapply for more, and take pay raises to their own salaries, no new jobs were created either. It's called sabotage.

Obama doesn't run the Wall Street banks, so as much as we want to hang lending around his head - ya just can't. You can however be very upset that our conservative friends are not for REGULATING THESE BANKS so there is little to no recourse for their inaction...just a friendly game of chicken.  If Obama keeps them rich, they open the purse...maybe. Or they let us tank and hope the Bankruptcy Courts will sort it out, as they suggested when they revolted on the Govt' for "bailing out" the motor industry!  Funny how when it was the blue collar industries turn, the outcry from conservatives was to actually let them go down, "they are a sick industry anyway", and "the execs there should take 1$ salaries for the year" (funny they did not make that offer to the Bank CEO or THEMSELVES, R-Roskam certainly did not only take 1$ for his congressional pay)  year after year no sacrifice from Congress however they will be the first to tell Blue Collar (read Union workers), State Employees, Soc Security Recipients and Welfare Recipients to buck up and take it on the chin....WOWWWWWW.

OKAY, agreed Boehner - you can cut what YOU consider entitlements and I will cut what I consider entitlements....WE THE PEOPLE ARE NO LONGER FUNDING FEDERAL PENSIONS, You should not plan for the Federal Govt to support you in your old age and non working years. AND YOU CAN BUY YOUR OWN INSURANCE IN THE FREE MARKET WITH NO GROUP RATE BREAK, YOU KNOW, THE ONE YOU KEEP TELLING GRAMMA TO BUY FROM because if we leave insurance in the free market it will drive the price down, remember? Except that is not the type of insurance any of the naysayers have, as a matter of fact while they convince you a Govt regulated Insurance Plan would RUIN THE USA, they alll enjoy the FEHBP which is regulated by a panel of chosen medical professionals, and the companies that participate in the "Insurance POOL" follow the guidelines including pricing for services etc with no complaint.  Where oh Where is the commercial from Blue Cross on how awful it is to participate in the FEHBP?  Why is Boehner not coming out of pocket and buying his own plan in this magical free market where we can go get cheap insurance right now if we wanted?  BECAUSE it does not EXIST nor WILL IT. THE END.

Medical and Social Services are not the programs that get capped for funding, they are people based - remember them GOP? PEOPLE for Chrissake!  This is not a research trip to Mars, or new satellite where you can say, Sorry NASA - research gets a flat 5mil this year - do some fundraising for the rest...THESE ARE REAL LIVE PEOPLE "Entitlements"...the only reason these buffoons call them that is because they have never had to need them.  If they had, that would be the last word they would use.  Social Programs that promote health and well being in the most basic of necessities are not something that you don't fund because "You don't fundamentally like them" - You are supposed top represent America not just some of the Americans you like.  If you want to cap funding, you do that to research programs for NASA - NOT Programs that are service based for PEOPLE.  Of course the numbers for Medicare increased, PEOPLE AGED OUT AND INSURANCE DROPS THEM.  Don't like the numbers? Regulate the Ins Co. then to prevent that or do what you have done....continue to threaten the poor while you take handouts at the top. 

And the biggest insult in this is that you assholes on either side up to the president are voted in replaceable puppets - yet we the people seem to forget that and somehow they have alll the power and we sit waiting for them to bicker argue and dance.  WE pay them over 100 thousand dollars a year each Plus benefits packages while working Americans go with out....INMATES have better insurance then the VOTERS you were charged with protecting....And that is how you Repay us for taking care of YOU????  YOU drive company cars, take paid for flights, sleep in apartments and hotels on our dime, all while Johnny Veteran looses his house and your answer to him is to cut his Social Security. YOU have all forgotten down there, and at the state levels too, YOU VOLUNTEERED.  You chose to run in public office, If you genuinely cared about Taxpayers you would all stand up and say at a time like this we can not justify taking additional pension monies when the Social Security intended for them is in danger.  Instead you feel Entitled to your Federal Pension and feel that We the People should not count on the GOVT we paid into to Provide for ours...the Priorities are screwed and so are you. and me. but not them.  When our Soc Sec dries up, they have the other Social Security we paid for and the other Medicare as well, because they believe in Entitlements for themselves - just not for the people that make up this country.  We are only as strong as our weakest link and the lack of morals, ethics, and priorities in Washington are breaking it down at a breakneck speed.

This along with the grocery list will be swirling around my head today, and tho I am on my own for the latter, I can only pray that somewhere down there (DC) there is rational results oriented people able to wade through these murky waters and get some compromise that leaves all sides getting some of what they want as well as having to give up some things at least for now - that's how you measure a Compromise. No one walks away completely satisfied...then you know there was a give and take not just a take it or leave it.

As always my rants and the views expressed are purely my own - comment at your own risk, no lifeguard on duty.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Blogger is bloggish for Ego Maniac...

GASP! Why would I say such a thing?
Simple. Because I am an admitted Blogger myself. (read Ego Maniac)
Ohh, this is not a bad thing! I simply like the ideals, theories and solutions to life's mysteries that I come up with far better than those being offered up around me as well as taking time from my ever busy day to opine, ramble, rant, or tantrum over things I have zero control over but would like to change improve or address...however I see fit.

The ego part is where the Blog comes in, for why else would someone have a page that they spill out their innards on while welcoming the ogling of strangers in cyber land? Well because, Like me, you have probably bored of filling your social profile (facebook etc) with these pearls of wisdom & wit? OR perhaps have alienated 1 or more of your "friends" with them as well? Even better yet! you are collecting 'followers' and comments slash 'thumbs uppers' for no better reason than to feel...well, followed. So here we flock - to the land of make believe in an effort to purge our own heads of the stuff that we think others need to know with little regard as to weather or not they want it or even Like it.  Because in true EgoBlogger fashion, it is never about them anyway...

Consider the above a disclaimer to follow if you want or not, regardless, I still have lots to talk about and Life seems to provide a never ending source of topics for my blogging pleasure.  Stay tuned for whatever happens next. or not.