We the People are in peril here folks. Being held hostage to games in the land of Politics. Those big execs and corporations that fronted lotso lotso money for their favorite cronies to head to DC are playing hardball with your gramma and grampas that did not wear white collars to work and retire at 48, many of them actually are still working and they are 75. The game is a budget and the ante on the table? Revenue...and what the definition of that is. This is not a right left issue, this is a make sense issue. Income Tax is revenue, to argue that the top earning dollars are somehow more exempt than the guy who bust his ass for 50 thousand a year is INFUCKINGSANE okay BONER...err Boehner. And thank you for showing your true colors and lack of ability to compromise GOP, as you marched out of talks to address the budget because If the tax Breaks Go You wont negotiate? EXCUSE ME, but someone tell me how that is any different than taking your ball and going home because you can't be first up - So here we go again, just like in December when your party threatened to let the UNEMPLOYMENT EXTENSION run OUT! As Well as the tax breaks for the middle to lower class, IF OBAMA and the Left Did not leave in place the Breaks for the top bracket, You won't move on and resolve anything until you get your Way, NOT A ONE OF YOU CAN ANSWER WHY IT IS INCONCEIVABLE TO TAKE THAT RATE BACK TO THE LEVEL IT WAS PRE BUSH ...why?
reason #1
the tax breaks that the top 20% earners and Corporations are enjoying right now were Bush breaks meant to STIMULATE the economy...remember!!!! Why didn't they? Where is all the growth and investment from his Budget Fix? Instead we landed in a recession and Corporations, Banks, OIL and the Elite took RECORD earnings for the entire 8yr run and then bailed and retired (most) before the real shit hit the fan, and When you forced the Obama admin to keep them in place for 3 more years they STILL have not produced anything but a drastic shortage in revenue because of the umpteen ways they can shelter or not even report - that's right, if you have an estate worth 10 million, Bush said you only need pay on the FIRST 5 Mil never mind the rest mmmk...While those who's estate consists of just the house they owe on are fighting to keep it.
REVENUE IS what drives the machine, and again I will say it till I am blue - the tax breaks BUSH gave were sold to us on the same argument being used today - IF you let the Corps and the Wealthy have their $#$$ they in turn invest and open or grow their businesses....WELL they haven't, and the answer is because they need to make certain under Obama that the tax cuts will stay and that the GOP will demolish any type of Health Care Reform before it takes effect in 2014 - so they are sitting back waiting" HEAR that folks....THEY HAVE BEEN SITTING FOR 3 YEARS DOING NOTHING PAYING NOTHING...WHY?
because of reason #2
...to make the Financial Report card of the Obama Administration show ZERO GROWTH and ZERO Investment. As well as stopping any Health Care Reform plans. Just remember you heard that here first folks because it is coming...as the Right gears up to try to out the Black Socialist Commy Muslim Death Judge, they will all no doubt keep referring your eyes to the lack of numbers in those 2 arenas...and at first glance you could say hmmmm, except then you are supposed to recall that BUSH also gave the wall street banks TARP to save their asses and to keep them lending to small business and consumer credit.....FAIL, they did however pay back some TARP, Reapply for more, and take pay raises to their own salaries, no new jobs were created either. It's called sabotage.
Obama doesn't run the Wall Street banks, so as much as we want to hang lending around his head - ya just can't. You can however be very upset that our conservative friends are not for REGULATING THESE BANKS so there is little to no recourse for their inaction...just a friendly game of chicken. If Obama keeps them rich, they open the purse...maybe. Or they let us tank and hope the Bankruptcy Courts will sort it out, as they suggested when they revolted on the Govt' for "bailing out" the motor industry! Funny how when it was the blue collar industries turn, the outcry from conservatives was to actually let them go down, "they are a sick industry anyway", and "the execs there should take 1$ salaries for the year" (funny they did not make that offer to the Bank CEO or THEMSELVES, R-Roskam certainly did not only take 1$ for his congressional pay) year after year no sacrifice from Congress however they will be the first to tell Blue Collar (read Union workers), State Employees, Soc Security Recipients and Welfare Recipients to buck up and take it on the chin....WOWWWWWW.
OKAY, agreed Boehner - you can cut what YOU consider entitlements and I will cut what I consider entitlements....WE THE PEOPLE ARE NO LONGER FUNDING FEDERAL PENSIONS, You should not plan for the Federal Govt to support you in your old age and non working years. AND YOU CAN BUY YOUR OWN INSURANCE IN THE FREE MARKET WITH NO GROUP RATE BREAK, YOU KNOW, THE ONE YOU KEEP TELLING GRAMMA TO BUY FROM because if we leave insurance in the free market it will drive the price down, remember? Except that is not the type of insurance any of the naysayers have, as a matter of fact while they convince you a Govt regulated Insurance Plan would RUIN THE USA, they alll enjoy the FEHBP which is regulated by a panel of chosen medical professionals, and the companies that participate in the "Insurance POOL" follow the guidelines including pricing for services etc with no complaint. Where oh Where is the commercial from Blue Cross on how awful it is to participate in the FEHBP? Why is Boehner not coming out of pocket and buying his own plan in this magical free market where we can go get cheap insurance right now if we wanted? BECAUSE it does not EXIST nor WILL IT. THE END.
Medical and Social Services are not the programs that get capped for funding, they are people based - remember them GOP? PEOPLE for Chrissake! This is not a research trip to Mars, or new satellite where you can say, Sorry NASA - research gets a flat 5mil this year - do some fundraising for the rest...THESE ARE REAL LIVE PEOPLE "Entitlements"...the only reason these buffoons call them that is because they have never had to need them. If they had, that would be the last word they would use. Social Programs that promote health and well being in the most basic of necessities are not something that you don't fund because "You don't fundamentally like them" - You are supposed top represent America not just some of the Americans you like. If you want to cap funding, you do that to research programs for NASA - NOT Programs that are service based for PEOPLE. Of course the numbers for Medicare increased, PEOPLE AGED OUT AND INSURANCE DROPS THEM. Don't like the numbers? Regulate the Ins Co. then to prevent that or do what you have done....continue to threaten the poor while you take handouts at the top.
And the biggest insult in this is that you assholes on either side up to the president are voted in replaceable puppets - yet we the people seem to forget that and somehow they have alll the power and we sit waiting for them to bicker argue and dance. WE pay them over 100 thousand dollars a year each Plus benefits packages while working Americans go with out....INMATES have better insurance then the VOTERS you were charged with protecting....And that is how you Repay us for taking care of YOU???? YOU drive company cars, take paid for flights, sleep in apartments and hotels on our dime, all while Johnny Veteran looses his house and your answer to him is to cut his Social Security. YOU have all forgotten down there, and at the state levels too, YOU VOLUNTEERED. You chose to run in public office, If you genuinely cared about Taxpayers you would all stand up and say at a time like this we can not justify taking additional pension monies when the Social Security intended for them is in danger. Instead you feel Entitled to your Federal Pension and feel that We the People should not count on the GOVT we paid into to Provide for ours...the Priorities are screwed and so are you. and me. but not them. When our Soc Sec dries up, they have the other Social Security we paid for and the other Medicare as well, because they believe in Entitlements for themselves - just not for the people that make up this country. We are only as strong as our weakest link and the lack of morals, ethics, and priorities in Washington are breaking it down at a breakneck speed.
This along with the grocery list will be swirling around my head today, and tho I am on my own for the latter, I can only pray that somewhere down there (DC) there is rational results oriented people able to wade through these murky waters and get some compromise that leaves all sides getting some of what they want as well as having to give up some things at least for now - that's how you measure a Compromise. No one walks away completely satisfied...then you know there was a give and take not just a take it or leave it.
As always my rants and the views expressed are purely my own - comment at your own risk, no lifeguard on duty.
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